Monday, April 5, 2010

Vintage finds: DaKine Junks

So I just found this FaBuLoUs store on Etsy after she started following me on Twitter.
Looking at her store I feel like I've stepped into one of those places that you want to keep a secret, yet you can't help but blab to your five best friends how great it is:) Here's a few of my fave finds:

First is a classic, an old fan in powder blue.Kwik Kool model by Knapp Monarch, made in the USA, $15.00.

The next is fascinating: Antique Printing Block for Letterpress Newspaper Typesetting. The detail is just amazing, $8.50

Who could live without some funky trading cards from the famed "Planet of the Apes"? Fantastic! $6.50, 14 cards.

Finally, delicate and timeless, Ruffled Antique Mayo and Plate by Fenton. $14 for the set.

You HAVE to see the store in it's entirety, so many neat things!