Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcome to the Beginning!!

I'm entering the world of the blog...who knows where we will end up:)

As far back as I can remember, I have loved everything vintage. I have also loved to create. I relish all things art, from the canvas to sculpture; metalwork to glass torchwork. After I had been making jewelry for a number of years, I discovered that there were places that sold vintage beads. I was fascinated by the prospect of making jewelry out of really old beads that had just sat in boxes for years on shelves, seen by no one. I began collecting up stock of my own, and decided recently to make my little Etsy shoppe completely vintage. The pieces look dramatically different from jewelry made with new beads~there seems to be more thought put into these old "new" beads. Wasn't everything in the old days just plain made better? I think so, and in using vintage components I believe you get a more unique and long-lasting product.
With that said, welcome to April Bella, where we'll explore the world of vintage together! My plans for the blog are to discuss my latest work but also showcase my newest finds in a never-ending search for all things vivid vintage:)